Willkommen - Welcome : Atelier Algorythmics & homepage of Winfried Ritsch
... which is part of "Atelier Leitnergasse", which is member of mur.at, which is located at Graz, the hated and beloved city I live in.
!!! - Design in Re Work - content till 2014 - to be filled !!!
The studio "Atelier Algorythmics" dedicated to the design and implementation of media art installation, especially automated sculptures, music and computer networking projects within and outside the Internet. This includes art direction, consulting, programming, construction, implementation and management for cultural institutions and artists.
Das Atelier Algorythmics widmet sich der Entwurf und Realisation von Medienkunstinstallation, speziell automatisierte Skulpturen, Computermusik und Netzwerkprojekten im und ausserhalb des Internets. Das beinhaltet künstlerische Leitung, Beratung, Programmierung, Bau, Realisation und Abwicklung für Kulturinstitutionen und Künstler.
short mission: electrifice, algofice and musicifice
Woodscratcher Vinyl Bildplatte / Picture Disc released
12.12.2012: As a vinyl production the woodscratche picture disc was released // Woodscratcher als Vinyl Bild-Schallplatte herausgegeben.
"Maschinenhalle #1" wins the competition Music Theatre NOW !
"Winfried Ritsch / Christine Gaigg / Bernhard Lang / Philipp Harnoncourt" 's robotic theatre machine shop #1 is one of the winners of the international competition, Music Theatre NOW
Maschinenhalle #1 at Styrian Autumn festival 2010
A limited space in which machines make up their own world, that we can observe and analyse, but not influence; whose systems we hear, see and feel, but do not understand. A world to which we are exposed.
"Maschinenhalle #1" - "Machine shop #1" Development started
The opening performance on the styrian autumn 2010 will be done by 12 Autopianoplayers "Rhea". The piece is developed as collective with Christine Gaigg / Philipp Harnoncourt / Bernhard Lang / Winfried Ritsch (A)
"Soundin" for the (sound) dome
Sounding is a performance for the opening, introduction of the dome in Pischelsdorf as a start for the implementation of the sound dome project.
Five Pianos Metal & Space
Maschinen träumen Musik - ist der Übertitel zu diesen Werk im Veranstaltungsreigen ZWEIKLANG: Mensch • Machine 2011.
Zerteilte Texte - Konzept
Komposition/Performance "Zerteilte Texte" für 4 verteilte Schauspieler, Netzwerk, Computer und Lautsprecher - Ein Beitrag für John Cage's 100sten Geburstag als Auftragsarbeit für Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten in Graz.
Auditory Virtual Environment (AVE) for the sound-dome
Ambisonics has been selected as technology for the Implementation of the AVE needed for the "small worlds" (Kleine Welten) sound installation in the dome in Pischelsdorf (KULM). Some information about AVE and Ambisonics is collected here for a further understanding.
"Eintönen" - "soundin" with low power audio equippment
With "Eintönen" - "soundin" the dome was taken into sound action, testing acoustics and performing a little piece with only battery powered small equipment was realized to test and get the specification for future audio system power.
Dom construction finished, last element set
After the last element was set in the dome, it will be opened at 1th October 2011, where as a starting point with the performance Eintönen, the acoustics will be explored artistically.