curriculum vitae - long english Version
curriculum vitae - long english Version

Winfried Ritsch lives and works in Graz as Austrian citizen
Spheres of Interests
- Teachings and artistic research as associate professor at the Institute of electronic music and acoustics (IEM) of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.
- Development of electronic music instruments, cybernetic models to control them and experiments for interactive generation of computer music.
- conception, design and reorganization of studios, media art laboratories and concert halls for electronic music and media art.
- Analysis and development of computer music systems within the scope of scientific activity on the IEM. Coding computer music software and Linux kernel driver for sound, invention and construction of open hardware projects in the field of art with special focus on networks.
- Occupation in radio art, implementation of performances, sound sculptures and sound environments.
- International concert tours and performances with music theater, media-art and research projects.
- 2011
- Commission from ars electronica for museum with the automatic pianoplayer rhea in cooperation with Peter Ablinger.
- 2008-2010
- Invention, Implementation and direction of the mediaart-laboratory (Medienkunstlabor) in Kunsthaus Graz.
- 2010
- Award ``best performance'' for opening event of Styrian Autumn 2011 ``machine-shop #1'' (``Maschinenhalle #1'') in cooperation with Bernhard Lang, Christine Gaigg and Philipp Harnoncourt
- 2007-2011
- Director of the EU cultural project COMEDIA at IEM with IRCAM (Paris), SARC (Belfast), CIANT (Prague), UGDIST (Genua), HFMT (Hamburg) and HCMF (Budapest).
- 2008
- Commission for regionale 2008 in Ilz ''Tabakscheune als Klangwelt`` a large scale robotic sound installation.
- 2007
- Technology utilization at KUG and TU-Graz
- 2004-
- Member of the cultural advisory council of the city Graz
- 2003
- first place on the position of a professor and director of bachelor/master degree program in Audiodesign at Music Academy Aasel
- 2002
- Director of research project Internet Archive of Electronic Music (IAEM)
- 2001-2003
- Member of the advisory board for mediaart of the Ministry of Education, the Arts and Culture Austria
- 2000-
- position of associate professor at the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics on the Art University Graz
- 2000-2005
- founder and member of the Austrian Netculture Association konsortium.Netz.kultur.
- 2000
- venia docenti with artistic scientific qualification on the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
- 1999-
- active Member of music label TONTO
- 1998-2009
- Founder and director of the netart-network
- 1997
- appraisal of a equivalent qualification of a artistic-scientific doctorate by the University of Music and Performing arts Graz.
- 1997
- Max-Brandt award for composition, Wien
- 1996
- artist in residence at the Ars Electronica Center Linz.
- 1994-2000
- assistant professor at the Institute of Electronic Music (IEM) at the
University of Music and Performing Arts Graz
- 1995
- Artist in residence in National Art Center Canada, Banff.
- 1994
- Promotion award for composition of the city Graz
- 1994
- Diplom-Ingenieur electro-technique and audio engineering (equivalent to a M.Sc. in the Anglo-American university system)
- 1991
- official developer for NeXT-Computer
- 1989-1994
- lecturer at the Institute of Electronic Music (IEM)
- 1988
- Founder and projects of the artists group Fond in Graz
- 1987
- Foundation of the sound sound studio Klangatelier ALGORYTHMICS
- 1986-1989
- sound engineering at the Theater Graz (Schauspielhaus Graz).
- 1984-
- occupation with computer music. composition for tapes, sound installations and solo works with computer
- 1983-1994
- academic studies Electrical Engineering and Sound Engineering at the Graz University of Music and Performing Arts and University of Technology.
- -1983
- 4 years of Akademisches Gymnasium, 5 years Federal Secondary College of Engineering Innsbruck
for telecommunications, 1983 university-entrance diploma, born and childhood in Tirol, lives in Graz.
Atelier Algorythmics
The studio "Atelier Algorythmics" dedicated to the design and implementation of media art installation, especially automated sculptures, music and computer networking projects within and outside the Internet. This includes art direction, consulting, programming, construction, implementation and management for cultural institutions and artists of art.
ao.Prof.DI Winfried Ritsch -