history and FAQ
Sound installation in public open spaces has been a target for many years at Atelier algorythmics. One of the first was "The House of Sounds" installation at the Jugendgästehaus Graz in Dezember 1996 for one year, placing speakers outdoors. Therefore the "Kugelstrahler" , a conrete speaker with flat 360 degree radiation, has been implemented.
Ten years later the Klangbox was designed for the sound installation "the dreams of the prince of a fortunate world" in a public park in Judenburg Austria within the "liquid music" festival 2005. mp3screamer , designed for Klangwege in Vienna at IEM, has been used for the electronics. It came out of the need of autonomous sound players 2001, at a time where cheap USB mp3-players didnt exist so far and the programmability was essential for the installation. As a short howto the foto-documentation has been done.

Newer installation has been done since for Lendwalks at the Medienkunstlabor, KULM and at the Augarten in Graz for an installation of Rhizom, being recorded by ambisonics.