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Audio Streaming


At the moment it is planed to support MP3 via shoutcast(tm) or free icecast-server for x11amp, freeamp or winamp and realaudio for free1 realplayer G2.

Every input stream must be registered to the system for the main router/proxy which automatically connects to it, if requested, and split it for the system rendering engines. A description of this stream which defines certain categories should also be present.


There should be an incoming place where sound-files could be placed. This sound-files should be converted to a standard format with the program ´´sox´´ automatically, so every sound-file format supported by sox could be used, which is at the moment (output from sox):

Supported file formats: aiff al au cdr cvs dat vms hcom maud sb
sf smp sndr sndt 8svx sw txw ub ul uw voc wav wve

But I didn't test all of these very much. So because of troubles with big/little endian formats, which some formats don't distinguish. These formats should be dropped. I will suggest at the moment ".wav", ".aiff", ".sfänd ".au". Please mail if some additional format should be supported

The maximum size should not exceed a certain limit which I suggest to be "30 sec", but that can be discussed later.

Additional to each sound-file a description-file should be sent which encloses the sound-file name, email and some additional description, so that a can be compiled out. If not the sound-file will be dropped to some folder where a moderated input will take place. If a processing error is encountered the originator will be informed by email, if possible, else the sound-file will go in the moderated folder.

Maybe someone at the web-team or somebody else can make a Web-Page for doing the description sheet with cgi or something like this.

C-Sound Scripts

The idea is that with this scripts sounds can be generated dynamically. Therefore a csound program runs the scripts and makes out of them as fast as possible. If a is generated of a script it is updated on the rendering machines in realtime . It depends on the power of the computer how often a csound-script can be run.

The script can used on sound-files for input or sounds from other sound-objects. If the source is a stream, then a certain amount of it is sampled to a file and used as input. The script consisting of the orchester-file2 and the score-file3, should produce one or more sound-files which are converted to a (see 6.2).

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HAss.DI Winfried Ritsch -