design Modular Accelerated Audio System ideas - concept

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design Modular Accelerated Audio System ideas - concept

M.A.A.S  --- Modular Accelerated Audio System --- project: Winfried Ritsch

mhsglogo.gif iemlogo.gif maasprintlogo.gif Modular


Modular Accelerated Audio System

project: Winfried Ritsch


Idea & Concept

Hardware Manual Various Data
MAAS - Project on 1.3.98 discontinued. - Anyone who will continue ???

This is a temporary version of the description of the project which serves as a base for discussion and also shows the recent developments. Please feel free to take part in this discussion. Sending emails to or to the mailing list: (send a reuest with subject help or subscribe to

Software: softstruct.gif
  • DSP - Development Kit
  • Linux Device drivers
  • Modular Accelerated Realtime Audio Programming
  • Special projects ...
Hardware: maas.gif
  • PCI DSP Board (DSP56301)
  • internal/externel AD/DA Modules
  • Standalone DSP-Board
  • Special Controllers for Hardware


MAAS - is a project which should enforce accellerated audio processing on a computermusic workstation. It is software and can be assistet by hardware which is also developed for this means and is:

Experimental modular audio system for workstations with PCI bus in the form of a signal processor card (MAAS-DSP-BOARD) with hardware modules and a modular administrative and control software for the integration of the I/O of modules and substantial operations of the computer music from the analysis to synthesis.

As software as an audio server should be created, which handles the hardware modules and software modules as interface for paralell running audio-applications and offers realtime programs the appropriate performance requirements. Also standard audio hardware should to be served.

In terms of hardware a ``DSP Audiocard'' and I/O modules for this should is made. The DSP card should be able to take over also functions of the audioprocessing of the host. For the I/O modules a especially designed serial bus is used, to which different hardware modules, as AD/DA transducers or other experimental I/Os can be put, depending upon requests. The Harwaremodules can be mounted in an external case (e.g. 19'') or in the computer in the 3'1/2'' disk slots.

You can help:
  • hardware: if you want to build a  I/O - module, (e.g. adat-interface ;-)  ), for MAAB do so, feel free to ask for details and contribute the project to public, placing it here
  • software: if you want to programm a modul or DSP-software or a anything for this project, feel free to ask for details and contribute the software to public, we will place it somewhere on this pages
  • because of my bad english and automatic translation to english, please send me a message if something is wrong, sounds funny or could be missunderstood
State of development:

Two prototypes of the MAAS-PCI-DSP card was made and first steps programming where done (plain linux device driver for controlling MAAS-PCI-DSP card.

short history:
  • started in Februar 1997, ideas and first design, thinking of devices etc...
  • june 97 start of design state of MAAS-DSP card
  • july 97 waiting for DSP 56301 from Motorola (6 month delivery time), ...holidays...
  • okt 97 getting DSP at end of okt
  • nov 97 making 2 prototypes of the 4 layer PCI-card with presoldered DSP ICs at EVK (waiting for 3 weeks)
  • jan 97 doing the first programming work for the card, designing the software
  • feb 97 starting documentation in english WEB-pages, mailing list-setup
  • april 97 MAAS-Linux device written and first steps in PCI-programming
  • end of april 97: MAAS-break until 1.July since a lack of manpower and time...

  • Made at IEM
    Institut fuer Elektronische Musik
    Jakoministr.3-5, A-8010 Graz, Austria
    iemlogo.gif mhsglogo.gif
    DI Winfried Ritsch
