In August 2012 tests in the sound dome
In August 2012 tests in the sound dome
The overall system with up to 64 speakers should be done with audio over ether-net devices supplied by Solar power.
prepared for installation
Since some of the joints are hexagrams and some pentagrams they mounting must be done individually.
They are stuffed with damping material for reducing resonances.
cabling becomes tricky since water can flow along the cable if moisture is condensed.
Some of the nodes seems to not watertight so hopefully the water can escape, but what will happen in winter when it gets icy... we will see.
above one of the speaker to hold cables short
Since the dome is big, speakers are hiding pretty good
Since the rings of the nodes are not fully in horizontal lines, which is not important on 3D-Ambisonics, for the 2D we chose a rather low equal spaced one.
Since they should not modify the outlook and design of the dome, we made them discreet.
Using the CubeMixer toolkit for 2D-Ambisonics pieces was choosen, since we can control it live within a PureData-Patch with directional sensor devices.
With this devices Sound can be placed and played, so interactive sound environments are constructed
is mainly done by choosing sounds and placing them by hearing.
is not so easy if not be trained. After more than 8 sounds it is often hard to find them acoustically and catch them with the playing tool.
is also tricky, so it has shown better results calibrating it with the ears then measurement microphones.
Which two times 7,2Ah we played over three times 4 hours without emptying them. It should play for about 24h if full an the 2D system.
So the sound installation can be switched on/off by visitors to also recipe the quiet dome.
is in the highest floor and was used for preparation and accommodation.
Expositur of atelier Algorythmics, baffle speakers sound good in natural environments (with subwoofer).
and discussing the outcome and further steps...