C++ Environment for Synchronos Data Flow Processing SDF_DSP++ (pre-version Text) ...sorry, with many typos, translation errors, me not native english ...

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C++ Environment for Synchronos Data Flow Processing
(pre-version Text)
...sorry, with many typos, translation errors, me not native english ...

Winfried Ritsch

Graz 1.10.1998


A C++Library for creating real time computer music projects on Unix computer. Therefore a class for signal processing objects are provided which is controlled by real time dispatcher/scheduler which runs in an parallel process at higher priority. The concept of synchronous data-flow processing (SDF-model) is used. Own signal processing objects can be added, to expand the functionality of this package.

A interface to a time source is included, which can be used to drive the dispatcher and to adjust the dsp processing the system performance. The time source is either a AD/DA system or a system timer and provided as a C-Library.

Entstanden im Klangatelier Algorythmics
Leitnerg. 7a, A-8010 GRAZ, AUSTRIA,
Tel. ++43-316-821451
IEM - Institut f. Elektronische Musik
Universität f. Musik u. Darstellende Kunst

  • Buffer as Connections
  • The Graph
  • Scheduler - Dispatcher
  • The Time Source and AD/DA Interface
  • Operations Reference
  • Arithmetic
  • Generators
  • Spatial
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    HAss.DI Winfried Ritsch - ritsch@algo.mur.at