Within a workshop Auditory Virtual Environments in the sound dome in Pischelsdorf was done and a first low power 2D-Ambisonics system installed. Therefore some thoughts and experiments where done from the workshop team: Winfried Ritsch, Matthias Kronlachner and Marian Weger.
Sound Dome - Klangdom

in Pischelsdorf in the idea to install a virtual sound environment in there
Performance zur Eröffnung des (Klang)Doms - performance for the opening of the (sound)dome - in Pischelsdorf 1.10.2011 19h
with a first presentation also the acoustic behaviour of the sound dome could be explored. It hat a surprising heavy reverb, more a scattering and echoes. In the middle it sounds like amplified, on the sides on the opposites people can whisper with each others... lets see how speaker will behave

After the last element was set in the dome, it will be opened at 1th October 2011, where as a starting point with the performance Eintönen, the acoustics will be explored artistically.
fotos from winfried ritsch and marian weger at the contruction site and the kulturstock at pischeldorfs

Ambisonics has been selected as technology for the Implementation of the AVE needed for the "small worlds" (Kleine Welten) sound installation in the dome in Pischelsdorf (KULM). Some information about AVE and Ambisonics is collected here for a further understanding.

Kurze Präsentation des Projektes Klangdoms als PDF

Für die Bauverhandlung erstellter Einreichungsplan
The challenge is to engineer an 3-D Ambisonics system for extreme acoustics like the dome, with low cost parts and robustness to be an open space without supervision. A short description of the conception for the sound dome and some experiments are listed, which leads to the final implementation.