NETART-EXPERIMENT-INSTALLATION Sound-Drifting - Linz 99 (Draft - Discussion)

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Sound-Drifting - Linz 99

(Draft - Discussion)

Winfried Ritsch


This is a discussion paper updated periodically to state of development...

as sound-files, micro-compositions and live-streams drifting on their own in a distributed installation. On every place, inclusive an out-stream to the Internet and radio transmission, the are interpreted differently according to the situation of this place. Static sounds are treated the same as live-signals (streams) and real-time-computer compositions.

In this paper the planing for installation for the project in Linz, September 1999 is drafted.

german Klangobjekte in Form von Klangdateien, Mikrokompositionen und Live-Signale driften (wandern) selbständig in einer verteilten Installation. Dabei wird an mehreren Orten das Material in Form von Klangobjekten verschieden an die Situation angepasst interpretiert. Statische Klänge werden gleichberechtig neben Live-Signalen und Echtzeit-Computer-Kompositionen gestellt.

german Hier wird die Realisation des Projektes für Linz im Sept.99 skizziert und mittels der Programme realisiert.

for all my friends...
...which understand my bad English
(and mail me corrections of my faults to

Entstanden im Klangatelier Algorythmics
Leitnerg. 7a, A-8010 GRAZ, AUSTRIA,
Tel. ++43-316-821451
IEM - Institut f. Elektronische Musik
Universität f. Musik u. Darstellende Kunst

  • Network
  • Software
  • Audio System
  • Loft
  • Broadcast-Studio
  • Audio Production Place
  • Sound-Drifter Program
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    HAss.DI Winfried Ritsch -