The System
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The System
The whole System consists of more than only a technical set. But here we will only concentrate on audio/network-technical aspects of the Installation. The parts of the System are shown in figure 1
The Inputs of the System are mostly fed by the remote-locations, which can use several methods to do this. These are audio streaming (see ) or FTP contributions of Sound files (see ) or C-Sound Scripts (see ) for processing. Remote-Locations also can use the output stream for generating an input stream.
The recipients are visitors at the locations, radio-listeners and Internet-Users around the world listening to the main output stream. The broadcasting is made by Internet connections, which are fed by the the streamer.
There also is a special group called Ïnter-actors" which have additional systems at the location allowing interaction with their Input-Streams. These are handled from the like other input-streams and therefore should be discussed elsewhere (by the project people).
Processing takes place with csound-Scripts as mentioned above and by local artists handling the system.
The renders all inputs to a special spatialisation, which is at moment of writing a 24-channel system on the mediadeck, a 12-15 channel system in the loft, an output stream and a special radio-stream for broadcasting during the radio-night.
The CUR-Production place has access to all the sound-signals in the system and can produce CDRs out of it to be delivered to remote locations as a kind of audio-report from the system. It is up to the artists handling these. There should be an update-time for the CDRs several times a day, which are transported through bikers to secondary places in Linz to feed a stereo system there.
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