Maschinenhalle #1

The opening performance on the styrian autumn 2010 with 12 Autopianoplayers "Rhea", 12 soundplates dancer in an network. The piece is developed as collective with Christine Gaigg / Philipp Harnoncourt / Bernhard Lang / Winfried Ritsch (A)
Maschinenhalle #1

The opening performance on the styrian autumn 2010 with 12 Autopianoplayers "Rhea", 12 soundplates dancer in an network. The piece is developed as collective with Christine Gaigg / Philipp Harnoncourt / Bernhard Lang / Winfried Ritsch (A)

Maschinenhalle #1 at Styrian Autumn festival 2010 Maschinenhalle #1 at Styrian Autumn festival 2010

A limited space in which machines make up their own world, that we can observe and analyse, but not influence; whose systems we hear, see and feel, but do not understand. A world to which we are exposed.

fotos of styrian autumn festival Graz 2010.

fotos of machine shop #1 is an installation performance for 12 automatic pianoplayers, 12 dancer, 12 soundplates and a meta-machine as opening performance of the styrian autumn festival Graz 2010.

Paper "sound plates as piano interface" at IMAC2011

The vision of “dancing music” is quite old and a lot of interactive implementations playing instruments with dance have been tried out. This interface of a dancer playing piano has targeted to the music-theater performance “Maschinenhalle #1” for 12 dancers, 12 sound-plates, 12 robot pianoplayers and control station. (also published in IMAC 2011 Proceedings, Aalborg University Press, 2012)