I am playing in one netroom
A robotic network experiment with three autopianolplayer as an homage to Alvin Lucier's "I am sitting in a room" by winfried ritsch from the series "social machines" (robotics workshop medienkunstlabor Kunsthaus graz 2009) implemented for NetCOMEDIA
I am playing in one netroom
A robotic network experiment with three autopianolplayer as an homage to Alvin Lucier's "I am sitting in a room" by winfried ritsch from the series "social machines" (robotics workshop medienkunstlabor Kunsthaus graz 2009) implemented for NetCOMEDIA
graphical score for the experiment
Instruction for the installation written for world premiere
some photo and media of the piece
During the Netplay festival at IEM Graz, Sarc Belfast and HFMT Hamburg this piece was perfamed as an installation over network in the 3 cities. As a homage to Alvins Luciers "I am sitting in an room" the performance was an pioneer act for fully autonom performance for robotics Autoklavierspieler series "rheas"