First tests with solonoids at atelier, which didnt suceed, they where to less powerfull, but showed the direction to continue with others
First tests with solonoids at atelier, which didnt suceed, they where to less powerfull, but showed the direction to continue with others
last adjustment for real piano to fit with the keyboard
buffered with capacitor and and control LED for each solonoid
prototyp circuit on bread board with transitors driving FETs from microcontroller
from the side with solonoids
7 fingers on white keys and 5 on black hidden.
for each octave one block can be adjusted for perfect fitting
adjusting the heavy iron frame to be mounted on the piano
to make adjustments for pianos
hidden me
on development for the piano
on a Yamaha C5 grand piano at the IEM
above 7 microcontroller breadboards and 7 FET Boards below with computer in the background
prepared for concert with notebook in front
The first Autoklavierspieler, before he was called "Kantor" 2003