DSP Software

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DSP Software

to be continued

An Example of a DSP-Session

to be continued

Step Host   DSP
A1 Reset DSP -> RESET, run boot-program
A2 Load OS in DSP -> load, exec DSP-OS
B1 Load module in DSP -> Write Code in first free memory
B2 save adresses <- Give back function and variable adresses, memspace
B3 request for init modules -> init of modules
B4 calulate executionstack and send it to DSP -> store execution stack
Cx send start message -> start dispatching
Cx set variables -> set variable at requested adress to value
Cx get variables <- send value of requested variables
Cx send stop message -> stop dispatching

to be continued

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HAss.DI Winfried Ritsch - ritsc@iem.kug.ac.at