Short Information about DSP56301
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Short Information about DSP56301
For more details sie Motorola-User-Manual.
- DSP56300 Family Core
- 66/80 MIPS with a 66/80 MHz internal clock at 3.0-3.6 volts
- Single clock per instruction execution
- Code compatible with DSP56000 family
- Fully-static logic with operation to DC
- Wait, stop and intelligent power control circuitry powers down unused memories, peripherals and core logic on each individual instruction.
- OnCE with added JTAG support for system debugging and testing
- On-chip PLL
ALU Enhancements over DSP56000
- Fully pipelined barrel shifter supports bit stream parsing and generation
- Conditional ALU instruction
- 16 bit arithmetic supports cellular and videotelephony standards
Address Generation Unit Enhancements over DSP56000
- 24 bit addressing provides 16M word addressing for Program, X and Y memories
- Program Counter relative addressing improves operating system and compiler efficiency
- Immediate offset addressing
Program Controller Enhancements over DSP56000
- Hard stack extension in data memory allows unlimited stack depth without programmer overhead
- Support for Instruction Cache
Direct Memory Access Unit
- 6 channel fully concurrent DMA supports 120 Mbyte/sec transfers at 80 MHz
- Dedicated address and data buses support concurrent memory accesses
- Supports peripheral interrupts, internal and external memory reads/writes
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